Dan "Divemaster" Stanions' Bar-B-Q
September 18, 1999
Finally, after emailing and reading about these guys for over a year now, I got a chance to meet some of the NE-VROCers. The 92 mile ride from my home to the home of our gracious host for the day, Dan "Divemaster" Stanions, was quite pleasant, although I wish some of my NY VROC brethren could have joined me, it was a beautiful day and the long peaceful ride calmed my nerves. With hurricane Floyd behind us, it was nice to get out into some nice weather.
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Dan's neighbors will not soon forget the departure of our comrades. As Badger, Toj, LoneWolf and Funhog started up their bikes, I'm sure plenty of people thought Floyd was back. No, it wasn't thunder, but it was LOUDER. Damn, I've got to get louder pipes...
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